Tuesday, March 26, 2013

OUT ON A LIMB... update

As I stated in my last post “OUT ON A LIMB”, posted last January 17, I predicted that the first five Seals of Revelation will be fulfilled in 2013.  Here is an update as of March 26, 2013…

SEAL 1... This prediction is fulfilled. Quote… “I believe that this year the current Pope will be replaced.  According to Roman Catholic tradition, the next and last Pope will take the name Peter.”

Jorge Bergoglio took the name Francis. However, St Francis’ first name was really “Giovanni”, his father gave him the nickname “Francisco”. Therefore, St Francis’ real middle name “Peter” has a lot more prophetic weight than “Francis”. Is Pope Francis I the Antichrist? Only God knows, but if he is... look for him to be a very nice man who will cleverly teach salvation destroying doctrine.  This, after all, is the true mark of the “Antichrist”. Also, as to the prophesy of St Malachy referring to his 112th and last pope as "Peter the Roman"... St Francis was from Piedmont, a major force in the unification of Italy. Piedmont’s capital Turin was actually the first capital of Italy. This historical fact connects St Francis and this current pope to the ultimate and final capital of Italy, Rome.

SEAL 2… This prediction is fulfilled. Quote… “God has already sent the “Great Sword” of Islam against apostate “Christendom” for the third and last time (Jihad III began - 2001). This war will continue with greater and greater devastations.”

Already this year, the vast number of lethal American drone strikes have rapidly spread from northern Pakistan, to many other Islamic countries.  Also, the pace at which the Middle East is rushing toward a Jewish-Islamic nuclear confrontation has dramatically picked up speed, with no real hope of stopping it.
SEAL 3… This prediction is now being fulfilled. Quote… “The economic collapse, global depression, and food shortages that began in 2008, will hit its climax this year, and will send the world into political chaos.”

America’s Federal Reserve, under its “Quantum Easing III” policy, is now printing and flooding the global economy with almost 100 billion dollars of worthless paper every single month.  This is a blatant attempt to hide the fact that the Global economy has already collapsed. The European based IMF (International Monetary Fund) has just forced Cyprus to actually steal personal wealth from private bank accounts, in a desperate attempt to shore up European banks.

SEAL 4… The fulfillment of this prediction may already be knocking at the door. Quote… “I really believe that sometime this year, a new and lethal bacteria or virus will be discovered. This global Plague may start slowly, but when it ripens and explodes onto the world, it will kill on the same scale as the Black Death and Spanish Flu.”

USA TODAY- A new family of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as CRE, is raising concerns across the medical community because of its ability to cause infections that defy even the strongest antibiotics. The antibiotic resistance is spread by mobile pieces of DNA that can move between different species of bacteria, creating new, drug-defying bugs.

SEAL 5… The fulfillment of this prediction has not yet come, but when it does it will be sudden and dramatic. Quote… “I believe that the long awaited Islamic Messiah, the “Mahdi”, will appear this year. When he does, he will consolidate all of Islam under his control. Beheadings will test the faith of Christians in all Islamic countries around the world.”

                                                   Continue to… HANG ON TO YOUR FAITH


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