Saturday, January 21, 2012


Jesus is God, and God alone is holy!

(John 1:1) (Revelation 15:4)

God’s standard of holiness declares that if we are guilty of any sin, we are guilty of every sin. Since only Jesus lived an absolutely sinless life, the rest of us are equally guilty of every sin, every second of our entire lives.

(Romans 3:10, 23) (Luke 18:19) (James 2:10) (1Timothy 1:15)

“Salvation” means that since I cannot be sinless, I must reject all hope in myself, and I must place all of my faith in the grace and mercy of my Savior, Christ Jesus.

(Luke 18:9-14) (Romans 1:16-17) (Romans 6:23) (Hebrews 7:21-25)

“Justification” means that God declares me to be… “Not guilty!”, because He has nailed the record of my complete sinfulness to the cross of Christ.

(Romans 5:1-2) (Colossians 2:9-14)

“Sanctification” means that I am now “Holy” in God’s sight, because He has wrapped me in the robe of Christ’s holiness. The perfect holiness of Christ covers my sin and shame, and protects me from God’s judgment... FOREVER !

(Romans 4:7-8) (Galatians 3:26-27) (Acts 26:18) (Hebrews 10:10) (John 3:18)

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