Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Have you ever been the unfortunate participant in, or the victim of a confusing and incoherent Bible study on the Book of Revelation? The study usually starts out with completely wrong assumptions about the three most important figures described in the prophetic revelation. These figures are (1) the Antichrist, (2) the Beast out of the sea, and (3) the Beast out of the earth.

In contrast, in short clear blogs, we will study the sequence of events in the Book of Revelation, from the opening of the first Seal to the glorious New Earth on which we will dwell with the Lord forever. We will start by clarifying the true identity of “Antichrist”.

“Antichrist” is almost always assumed to be a demonic and horrific persecutor of Christ’s Church. Nothing could be further from the truth… Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance defines “Antichrist” (reference # 5580) as a false / pseudo / sham / fake Christ. The Antichrist is not the persecutor of a pure Christian Church. Antichrist is the leader of an apostate Christian Church.

Paul wrote in (2Thes 2:3), “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it (Christ’s return) will not come unless the apostasy comes first”. Only a remnant of the Church will remain faithful to the true gospel of grace and mercy. Even Jesus himself wondered if true Faith would still exist when he returned. (Lk 18:8) “However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"

Despite what you may have been taught, "Antichrist" is the world-wide leader of the united apostate Christian Church of the Last Days. And, he only appears once in the whole Book of Revelation… "Antichrist" is the rider on the white horse of Seal #1.

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