Thursday, February 2, 2012


TRUMPET 2… (Revelation 8: 8-9) “The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.”

Trumpet 2 adds another devastating judgment. Obviously, the word picture expressed in these verses is describing an extremely large meteor or a moderate size asteroid impact on the planet. It is clear that this object from space hits a large body of water with devastating consequences. However, the exact place of impact is unclear. Nevertheless, even though the meteor or asteroid will crash into a “Sea”… it will not minimize the destruction. The impact will instantly vaporize the water, pass through, and violently impact bedrock. Astronomers unanimously agree that an impact of this kind is inevitable, and when it does, three Scripture confirming results could easily happen.

(1) The major element of the core and the crust of this planet is iron. Also, in many areas around the world, the floor of lakes, seas, and oceans are covered with dissolved iron. It is irrefutable that a major impact on the bedrock in any of these bodies of water would force a great deal of iron to the surface. When the iron reaches the surface and contacts air (oxygen) it will oxidize and turn the surface of the water “Blood Red”. A 1986 event at Lake Nyos in Cameroon, caused this exact iron oxidation phenomenon. After an earthquake, the clear blue lake suddenly turned “Blood Red”. (2) The bedrock impact would also deplete the water of oxygen and would kill all living things in the surrounding waters. (3) It is also obvious that any ships within the impact blast area would be instantly destroyed.

The consequences of the second Trumpet blast are not the delusions of a fanciful religious imagination, but are quite literally a real scientific and likely the result of a major astronomical impact. At this point in the unfolding of God’s judgments, you really don’t want to be a person who is not specifically “Sealed” and protected by God.

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