TRUMPET 6… (Revelation 9:13-21) “Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice speaking from the four horns of the gold altar that stands in the presence of God. And the voice said to the sixth angel who held the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great Euphrates River.” Then the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were turned loose to kill one-third of all the people on earth. I heard the size of their army, which was 200 million mounted troops.
And in my vision, I saw the horses and the riders sitting on them. The riders wore armor that was fiery red and dark blue and yellow. The horses had heads like lions, and fire and smoke and burning sulfur billowed from their mouths. One third of all the people on earth were killed by these three plagues—by the fire and smoke and burning sulfur that came from the mouths of the horses. Their power was in their mouths and in their tails. For their tails had heads like snakes, with the power to injure people.
But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to God. They continued to worship demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood—idols that can neither see nor hear nor walk! And they did not repent of their murders or their witchcraft or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”
Trumpet 6 brings an alarming new prophetic event. Four angels who were prepared for this specific hour, day, month, and year, are suddenly released to kill one third of all mankind. Exactly who these angels represent, becomes clear when we examine some obvious symbolic statements. The global catastrophe pours fourth from the great “River Euphrates”. This is a clear reference to the Islamic Empire. The horses have “heads like Lions”, and mouths from which the fire, smoke and burning sulfur comes forth. This is a clear reference to the Beast out of the Sea which had the mouth of a Lion. It is extremely interesting to note that the destruction comes not from any weapon that the riders carry, but from the mouths of the lion-headed “Horses”. This would indicate that the riders only direct where the nuclear detonations and destruction takes place.
Global Islamic nuclear terrorism finally succeeds in forcing the world into total submission. Now, no nation will dare to stand in the way of Islam’s final 200 million man invasion of Israel. It is amazing that even after this horrific global event, those who were not killed... still can't find a place in their hearts for God.
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